Oticon hearing aid test
Oticon needed a system for functional and parametrical tests of hearing aids.
A test solution to handle a large variety of products
Oticon asked us to develop a system for functional and parametrical tests of hearing aids. The system must handle various products, and reporting is subject to medical requirement standards. Datalogging for traceability and production tuning is another critical issue of this application. DGS is used as a distributed system at production sites.
DSE EasyStand to implement the graphical user Interface
We chose our EasyStand modules for implementing the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and for Diversity Handling. The system uses National Instruments Audio Master software to perform all audio measurements according to the required standards. Results are presented to the operator both on the GUI and in printable reports.
EasyStand, in combination with WATS ensures test data
Diversity Handling is handled by DSE’s EasyStand toolbox and integrated with WATS MES to ensure consistent and controlled distribution and maintenance of test limits, etc.
The system utilizes a modified version of TestStand’s sequential process model that integrates DSE’s EasyStand and WATS MES.
WATS MES is a package-based software distribution system delivered by Virinco.
Audio master and PXI chassis from National Instruments
The hardware includes a National Instruments PXI chassis, which holds both the embedded controller PC and the instrumentation suite that comprises the National Instruments Audio Master.
Additional benchtop instruments specific to the hearing aid domain handle interfaces, battery simulation, etc..
Download the case here