

The founders

The history of DSE Test Solutions A/S goes back to 1981, where 3 engineers, Anders Midtgaard, Ib Havn and Peter Jørgensen founded an electronics company called DSE. The idea of the company was to develop controls and measurement systems for the industry hence the abbreviation DSE (Dansk System Elektronik). Over time the controls and measurement systems resulted in 3 separate divisions; Software solutions for airports, test instruments for the wire industry and an industry division.


Peder Lomborg got onboard

In 1995 Peder Lomborg was employed as Division Manager for the hardware department. Over time Peder Lomborg developed this department into the company's by far largest division. Today known as the Test Division.

The development of microwave based moisture meters started up in 1998 and during the next decade the company established 4 business areas, Test Solutions, Airport Solutions, Wire Testers and Moisture Meters. Peder Lomborg was also working more and more with the Wire and the Moisture divisions.

New owners

In 2009 the last of the founders wished to focus solely on the airport division and sold the other divisions to Peder Lomborg and Leif Petersen. During that process the company got its current name DSE Test Solutions.

Growth and aquisition

During the last 15 years Peder Lomborg and his team managed to grow DSE Test Solutions A/S to twice the size of the original. A specially the Test and Wire divisions had a significant growth.

RIGON Instruments

The 2nd of august we managed to take over one of our Wire competitors, Rigon Instruments' activities. Rigon Instruments was founded in 1994 by Mr. Rigon, in Turino Italy and has a wide range of Wire instruments that fits perfectly into the Wire product range of DSE, thus making it possible for DSE to grow further in this market segment and consolidating our position as one of the key players in the business.