Curing control using Tangent Delta

The benefit of knowing the curing

Control and optimize the quality of enameled wire

Optimizing the processes by knowing and controlling the parameters within the production of enameled wire is essential for the economy when manufacturing this product. The Tangent Delta tester from DSE in Denmark delivers all the information needed to optimize and control many processes. The measuring data is compressed and displayed in an entire curve, showing the Tangent Delta as a function of the temperature. This method is the ultimate way of making a fast, accurate, and reliable determination of the enameled curing and simultaneously showing any residual solvents or additives in the insulation.

Both residual solvents and the curing state greatly influence the enameled wire's temperature index, lifetime, and physical behavior. 

 Tangent Delta curves


Fast, accurate, and well-proven test method

Using the dissipation factor method, the Tangent Delta testers(TgD) analyze the enamel's quality and physical properties. 

The product range contains the following models: 

  • The TD9000 TgD tester is still available after 30 years. 
  • The TD5 TgD tester is the world leader in performance and has been a real workhorse for decades. 
  • The TD3 TgD tester is built on the same technology as TD5 and is a clear winner in price and performance. 

All Tangent Delta testers calculate an entire curve for the D value (loss factor) as a function of the temperature. 

Instruments for quality control of enameled wire

 Contact our sales department for more information.