TD3 Tangent Delta tester
-Cost-efficient, accurate, and reliable measurements
TD3 sets new quality standards concerning low maintenance needs. We have made an innovative mechanical design and used top-quality metal hardware; the benefit for you is extended service intervals. You can test a vast number of samples between each service.
TD3 – Cost-efficient Tangent Delta tester
- High repeatability of the measurements
- Compare results with multiple curves
- Round and Flat wire in one system
- Multi-language user interface
- Reference wire in display
- Approve/reject function
- Up to 99 pre-settings
- Compact and low-weight
- Portable
- IEC 60851-5 compliant
Watch the TD3 software feature video part one here:
And part two here:
For more information please get in touch with our sales department or read the Datasheet and Selection guide.