HVC 360 flexible high voltage continuity tester

- New generation of HVC testers  

Detects weak spots and pinholes in round and profile wire insulation

HVC 360 Flexible is a High-Voltage Continuity tester that detects pinholes and weak spots in wire insulation. It is designed for in-line application at wire manufacturing plants and winding machines.

Despite the High Voltage, the HVC 360 Flexible is a non-destructive tester due to its low current (low tension), which eliminates the risk of spark damage.

HVC 360 Flexible offers the following advantages:

  • 360 degrees wire coverage
  • Control with each meter of the spool
  • Reduction of scrap
  • Detailed quality documentation 

HVC 360 degrees wire coverage


Two level detection

HVC Continuity Tester Display

Watch the HVC 360 video here:

For more information, please contact our sales department or read the datasheet.